
Can they keep my clothes???

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I just couldn't take all the drama that's been happening in my house so i left. I went back the next day to get my things and my dad wouldn't let me get anything. I have my money, my clothes and other things there. Do they have the right to keep my things being its on their property? Is there somebody I can contact that would force them to give me my clothes? I live in Wisconsin.

Im 20 yrs old. The clothes are mine i bought them. All i want is the stuff I bought. noting else. Police said they can go with me but cant make them give me my things.




  1. your family thinks because the belongings are in their house it is now theres. however just go down to the local police station let them know that you were locked out of your house and they refuse to let you ni and you need a police escort to come with you to get all of your belongings. if when you get there everything is gone, try to get him to admit he threw them out or something in front of the police officer and you can take them to small claims court to replace your property and the police officer can be supenad to court as a witness that yes in deed they said they threw them out.

    Hope all works out for you

  2. Anything you earned yourself, or purchased with your own earnings, is yours.  Anything your parents bough for you, or was purchased with their money (your allowance counts as their money), belongs to them.  

    It being on their property doesn't matter - you had an informal verbal agreement with them that you were their "tenant" and they were your "landlord", and you both met the conditions of that agreement, and the agreement can be terminated at any time.  If you owed them rent or something, then they might have a case for withholding your property, but otherwise, no.

    Wait until everyone is a little more calm, and then talk about the situation with them.  Instead of leaving in a huff, give them formal notice that you are moving out, and you hope this will actually improve your relationship with them, since it removes stress and friction from the household.  Be clear about what property is yours and what is theirs, and stress that you want to solve this amicably, without police intervention.

  3. Same thing happened to me when I was 18. I had to call the police & they allowed me to get my things. Good luck!

  4. The key is proving ownership.  A cop can’t know you’re telling the truth about something any more than he can know you’re lying. So unless you have receipts that prove you paid for particular items, there’s no legal way for you to claim them if they’re in someone else’s home.  

  5. Hire a lawyer and sue them

  6. You have a right to your belongings. A police officer can escort you to pick up your things but to actually force them to give them back, you'll need a lawyer if they're unwilling to cooperate.  

  7. The police cannot make them, but the police can usually get most people to act more reasonable.

    If you still don't get what you think you deserve with a police presence Sit down and reassess:

    - Maybe your expectations are not really reasonable

    - Maybe you don't really need that stuff and better off avoiding further hassle

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