
Can they prescribe vicodin for a person who is getting braces put on?

by Guest63168  |  earlier

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i heard for the first few days it kills.

plus that i have TMJ (LOUD jaw clicking, mild tightness)

so im figuring the braces may hurt worse in my case. and advil and tylenol dont work for me in ANY situation. they dont even work for the most mild of headaches.

what options do i have?




  1. Not likely.

  2. unless your dds is a pimpin crackhead, you will probably get Tylenol 3....standard pain relief.  i've had over $25,000 worth of work on my teeth and only wished for vicodin

  3. Your best option is to discuss this with your orthodondist BEFORE having the braces put on.  Vicodin sounds pretty strong...but you need to talk to the orthodontist and explain your situation and get his support and advice.

  4. Whoa, I'm really tempted to suggest rehab...It's not likely any DDS will Rx you Vicodin or any other drug in that class for discomfort from braces...and I'm puzzled about how it is your getting braces when you say you have an existing TMJ problem...In most cases that would be the cart before the horse "unless" their is a positive diagnosis that the somehow your misaligned teeth is causing the TMJ issue.....The loud jaw clicking isn't a usual symptom of misaligned bite that braces will correct very quickly so maybe you need to see another DDS for a second opinion...Good luck and I wish you well.

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