
Can they put an animal on Mars and let it run around with a chain attached to it so it could be monitored?

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Can they put an animal on Mars and let it run around with a chain attached to it so it could be monitored?




  1. Man, If only we had this technology in the 50's.

    I'm afraid that in today's political climate, this is a no. no.

  2. are you volunteering?

  3. only if it has a space suit.

  4. We do not currently have the technology to send a living animal to mars, keeping it alive for the journey.

    Although, it would be possible at great expense, we would not learn anything from such an experiment.

    We know what the martian atmosphere is like, and we know no animal would survive more than a few seconds before being asphyxiated.

    Gruesome footage of an animal being asphyxiated could easily be created here on earth.

  5. That is the daftest question I have heard in the past 24 hours.

    What is the idea you have in mind, getting rid of your cat.

    It would be easier to put it in a weighted sack and throw it in the river, the result would be the same.

    Very funny, ha ha.

  6. another I.Q lowering question

  7. no because there are no air or water and if you don't go there without a spacesuit or you will die and you will not breath.People and animals can't even walk around mars.

    There is no gravity up in mars.Nobody can walk on mars

  8. I guess they could, until it died, which would be about 2 minutes.  But, I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that.

  9. There isn't enough oxygen for the animal to survive. Also, the magnetic field of Mars isn't strong enough, so the animal could die of radiation.

  10. no...

  11. idk but you certainly know how to push some buttons. are you interested in psych

  12. You mean so its instant death could be monitored? Sounds a bit cruel, and rather a waste of time and resources.

  13. First of all, this is animal cruelty. Secondly, why would anyone want to do that? I find your question simply pointless.

  14. That would consitute animal cruelty.

    It would freeze to death, have no oxygen to breath, and slowly vaporize due to the thin martian atomosphere that isn't very forgiving to solar rays, which has been playing havoc on the martian surface leaving it barren.

  15. Forget about mars , we will not live on mars , man will not land on mars, nasa is full of ####.  do not trust NASA.

  16. NO ~~ Much too cold .. and the atmosphere is deadly until we get plants to grow ,and they don't like the cold.

  17. It would need a space suit.

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