
Can they refuse service due to your age?

by  |  earlier

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i am 19 and my hubby is 23, we have been trying to have a little one for 13 months now, every since we got married...

i was on depo before. my periods come every 35 days.but i don't know why we haven't gotten pregnant yet, i want to make an appointment and see if there is anything wrong. does planned parenthood take preconception appointments? and could they refuse us service because I'm young?




  1. It can take up to a year after your last Depo shot before you will have the ability to conceive. This can vary from person to person, but a year is the general rule for Depo. So, if you haven't been off of the shot for very long, I would give it time before you see a doctor. Also, no clinic can refuse to see you based off of age. They can, however, refuse to perform services based off of your age if they have a medical reason as to why they will not perform the service.

  2. Sometimes getting pregnant takes time.  It took me over four years, we weren't trying but we weren't trying NOT to either. With friends of mine who were on birth control it took them a while sometimes to get their systems back on track. A few of them even had miscarriages.  You should go to your/an OB/Gyn for this and no you shouldn't be refused because of you age. You are legal, AND you are married. Good Luck!

  3. I don't think they can legally refuse you service. They might be backlogged though. If one place can't take you try another until you find someone who can help you. Wouldn't Planned Parenthood be more apt to want to prevent pregnancies or talk someone into abortion? Speak with someone from a clinic or your gynecologist if you have one. Before you set up any appointments why not do a little research to figure out if either or both of you is doing something to inhibit fertility and pregnancy?

  4. As long as you are over 18 and no longer need your parents permission they shouldn't and you are 19, so no.

  5. i dont think that they will refuse service but they might tell you some bull like you are young you have time or something

  6. no the medical society does not judge on age

  7. Planned Parenthood will test you for pregnancy, give you health checks, and pregnancy care, but they will NOT do infertility testing/treatments.  You'd be better off seeing a regular OBGYN to begin that.  

  8. It can take a while after getting off Depo to have your body back to normal. Normally if you have been trying  for a year and no results you should see a doctor about it.

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