
Can they send him to a range without any gear?

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My husband just got off active duty army and joined the army national guard. I served in the army too and eveerywhere i've ever been there has been a specific uniform required to go to the range. We always had to wear our LBE, water source, ammo pouches, ACH, and an IBA (WITH plates). He has only been in the unit for a couple of months and they are deploying and half of them have never received any CIF. He is on the range right now with an IBA that has no plates and they told him they dont have any to give him. Is there an army regulation that says EXACTLY what needs to be provided?




  1. Welcome to the voluntary military.There isn't enough money to pay, to equip, and to train. Somewhere the US Military have to take short cuts. Unfortunately it is at the expense of the soldier..

  2. One: don't worry, he'll get his CIF. More then likely they hand it out before deployments so they can keep better track of it. What is the sense if handing out all that equipment for a one weekend a month, two weeks a year, or whatever, deal.

    As for the no plates, it's unit SOP, not Amry wide-policy. If they say they can qualify without the plates, then they can. I've shoot without plates before. Wereing the IBA is more of a thing to get a person used to shooting with it, then protection. If someone gets shot at a range, probibly not an accident.  

  3. Yes they can do that.  It'll be ok.

  4. I've fired my weapon with no IBA and without a kevlar before.  there is no regulation.  

  5. yea when we go to the range at bragg we only have kevlar and lbe. depends on the unit and such. i am medical so we barely get ammo

  6. I wouldn't think he would be permitted on the ranges without any gear. However, you specifically mention IBA without plates; we have been on ranges for decades without IBA, only a helmet.

    Yes, there are Army, and local regs stipulating the minimum gear.

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