
Can they still be alive?

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Is it true that if something that is frozen for many years can still be alive once defrosted?




  1. Technically once something is frozen its entire body freezes including the heart. When the heart freezes you die. But i believe that you could probly jumpstart the heart afterwards. Like thaw the thing out.

  2. im really not sure..maybe it is true..but it is scary!! lolsz♥

  3. Try googling that.

    I read that they are making these ice boxes where people are paying money to go in when they are *dead* because the scientists are trying an experiment and people are actually going for it! I think it might work! Hopefully the scientists experiment works!

  4. That is true. If you freeze something well enough (even a person) it will have life again once you thaw it out.

  5. Nope - if this was true don't you think people who are real sick would ask to be frozen until a cure is found ??

  6. I knew a girl in high school that did that to a cockroach and then months later she defrosted it and it ran away.   She was strange.  Anyways, she's the only one who i've ever know that did such a thing.

  7. Yes, I read an article once about some bacteria or plant that was frozen in Antarctica, scientist found it, thawed it out, and it started to come back to life!

  8. maybe bacteria, but not anything that needs to breathe

  9. i don't think so.

  10. maybe but they would be very lost and no

  11. Not a vertabrate, some microorganisms maybe.

  12. stupid question, probably not..........

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