
Can this Male problem be fixed?

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I am 20years old and am overweight. My new girl and i are starting to have s*x but i am worried my p***s is only 1 1/2 inch's when soft but Little over 5 inch's when hard. I can't understand my problem at all. Is it Micro p***s disease ? I read with that problem the p***s is ONLY 2 or 3inch's when hard. Will this be a problem with any girls i meet?




  1. 4 to 6 inches is normal size for a p***s. if you want to make it appear larger loose weight.

  2. its nice having someone with a real p***s size than some idiot on here with '40' inches lol and your fine 5 is the average anyway so she wwould be please no matter what :)

  3. don't worry you are normal. iight

  4. Unload that extra weight.  You will look better & feel better & will appear to have larger features.   Try to eat a balanced diet.  Leave off the breads, pie's, cookies, chips, cakes, brownies, sugary sweet soda's.  Eat more fruits & veggies.  Exercise more.  Get out & walk - maybe invite your girlfriend to go with you - a BRISK 30 minute walk EVERY day.  Trust me - if you do all of this, you will look better & feel better about yourself & project a more positive image that lies within.

  5. u are perfectly normal loosing weight would help it look bigger because ur pubic area is hiding what you truly have down there mine is the same as yours and my wife is more than happy if your partner is worried she wont be satisfied u could do more foreplay to get her going be fore penetration  

  6. You have an average size,but i suggest you to loose a lot of weigh:it just hangs over your p***s,so it looks tiny.

    It is not a micro p***s disease:it means you are a grower in stead of a show-er.

    Is very common.


  7. Work towards getting your weight into the normal range for your a goal for life....and your p***s being on the small-ish side of the normal range won't seem so bad. It'll be a win-win situation. All-around healthier too! Otherwise, you may encounter some problems with the ladies along the line. Good luck.

    Additional Details:

    1-1/2 inches when soft is only going to look worse when you are over weight. If you do feel sad about this you have to overcome those can't just ignore those feelings and expect them to go away. Make it a goal to get in shape and stay that way. It will be an emotional boost.

    If you still feel bad about your non-erect size looking mirco-p***s-esque....there may be other options that can help. If your erect p***s is a little over 5 inches hard, there are stretching exercises, jelq'ing....even weights that can help elongate your flacid p***s to a size closer to your erect size. Your erect size is pretty normal....and obviously, your erect size is a size that is there to stay.

    It takes a serious commitment to achieve this sort of goal, however. In a way it's not unlike the process some circumcised men choose to pursue for f******n restoration. I'm sure you can Google your way to all the information you need if this option is something that gives you hope that you feel you need.

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