
Can this YGO deck win a tournament?

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monsters x22

1x treeborn frog

1x kuriboh

1x marshmallon

1x man-eater bug

1x ns air hummingbird

1x ns grand mole

1x sangan

2x D-hero defender

1x obnoxious celtic gaurd

1x E-hero wildheart

1x hyper hammerhead

1x d.d.warrior lady

1x drillroid

1x gemini elf

1x vorse raider

1x CB topaz tiger

1x chainsaw insect

1x raiza the storm monarch

1x mobius the frost monarch

1x caius the shadow monarch

1x granmarg the rock monarch

spells x18

1x wave motion cannon

1x axe of despair

1x swords of revealing light

1x swords of concealing light

1x brain control

1x creature swap

1x soul exchange

1x premature burial

1x united we stand

1x giant trunade

1x monster reborn

1x magical mallet

1x nobleman of crossout

1x shield crush

1x mystical space typhoon

1x heavy storm

2x lightning vortex

traps x9

1x 7 tools of the bandit

1x judgement of anubis

1x compulsory evacuation device

1x torrential tribute

1x bottomless trap hole

1x draining shield

2x sakuretsu armor

1x magic cylinder




  1. yeah why don't you tape those cards to a statue of a dragon so you can scare away all of your nerd friends

  2. 1. Depends on what type of Tournament your Entering. If it the kind of tournament where anyone comes in from another town to be in probably not, but any smaller tournament than that probably.

    2.Remember that skill and Cards are equally important, knowing when to take risks and not and just plain playing experience can make a crappy deck deadly.

  3. Im sorry but this will NEVER win a tournament. Not any of the ones I enter anyway.

  4. No it has no theme google monarch deck and try to make a amonarch declk because it is good and not expensive

    hope that helps

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