
Can this actually happen?

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Can a guy who thought you were ugly freshman year think you're pretty junior year? Is it possible for someone to change that much? I mean, i did lose about 20 pounds .. does that make a difference? Share your thoughts...




  1. It makes a huge difference plus your body changes a lot at that age.  Both males and females are developing fast.  I've seen girls turn hot over the summer in my HS years.  Losing 20 pounds is a big factor.

  2. yeah its possible but at 34 years old i have to say, do you really want to be with someone like that....

  3. yeahh its totally possible. he'll probably see you the first day and think" whose that hot mammaa!" haha...or not:p.

    congrats on loosing the weight by the way:]

  4. yes, yes, yes..... happened to me in school girls got better looking but the girls i went to elementary with got small town? idk

  5. very possible

    your looks change a lot at that time period

    and great job on loosing weight(:

  6. He proble could change that fast he proly thought he would gt imbaressed if he was around you.

  7. yes

  8. Sure, it can happen.

  9. yes it's weirdd but this guy liked totally hated my friend one year and all she did was get contacts instead of glasses the nest year he asked her out! she said no though! haha serves him right!;...

    answer mine please

  10. totally possible. ive lived it. yayyy


    help meee?;... Thanks!

  11. yeah sure people can change and 20lbs yeah! thats alot of weight to lose good job! most likely you look different.. hopefully he will notice and just think you hot and they with believe it..

    well good luck!!

  12. heck yes

    i thought this guy was fugly last yr

    but this yr he got a haircut & looks

    a h**l of alot better

    little changes can make big differences!

  13. yep it does.

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