
Can this be a broken ankle or the bone just fractured?PLEASE read I need help

by  |  earlier

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Ok well today my ankle gave out on me. I was dancing and I went to step forward and it gave out. It rolled over. I couldn't walk on it at all. I took some pain killers to help the pain. It is really swollen (Yes I do know it'll be swollen after it sprains or twists). Anyways I was wondering is this a broken ankle or a fractured bone.

Swollen worse then if it's twisted or sprained

Can't put ice on it (Foot shakes to much)

I did try putting weight on it but it felt as if it was gonna give out again.

Took pain killers (Didn't help much. It was Vicodin I had it when I had surgery done back in June)

Wanna cry it hurts so much

Can't sleep

There is so much more to explain but that is just what I can explain. But please. I need to know what you all think. I might have my mom take me to the doctors.




  1. it might be a break.. it might be a sprain dont worry in some cases breaks are better than sprians

  2. you need to see the doctor. and get an x-ray.

  3. go to the doctor .... /facepalm

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