
Can this be right about Men who smoke marijuana.?

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if a man smokes marijuana constantly for 4 year or even 5 can they become infertile, I mean they cannot have kids??

is this true or will it take more year for a man who smokes weed everyday to become infertile??

thank you for your answers.




  1. I`ve never heard of it...however smoking of any kind can reduce the fertility of any man...over along period of time. I`d be more worried about his mental health issues rather than whether or not he could give me kids.

  2. all smoking reduces fertility however if your friend is infertile he was probably like this before as the body is a wonderful thing and recovers from most types of abuse given time

  3. its more likely to be the tobacco you smoke with the weed. as tobacco smoke does increase the chances of impotence. not always the case though my friend has been smoking weed for 20 years and he has 3 kids

  4. That sounds like a myth. I've read a lot about it & possible health risks and have never come across that in any reputable sources.

    Of course, smoke itself, from any source, contains harmful substances and isn't good to inhale. Maybe over long periods it could impact fertility? I doubt that weed smoke is statistically more risky than any other type of smoke, though.

  5. yes the testicles become smaller which means changes in the production of sperm.  they still can have children but there is a possibility of mental disorder or other impairments to the child---think about it like this 1 in 5 children are now being diagnosed with autism is there a connection not sure but stay away from pot just in case

  6. Possibly reduces a little bit, but nothing to really be concerned about.

  7. This isn't typical.  I have friends who have partied with pot for many years and they have had several normal children that excel with sports and academics.  It sounds like propaganda from people that hate weed.

  8. i have heard pot makes you infertile, so it doesnt suprise me

  9. Absolutely, positively NOT true!! My husband and I smoked for 12+ years everyday and when he got me prego in December, we quit. So no, it doe not make you infertile, on the male or female side!

    Crazy that guy above said it does!! LOL People shouldnt answer questions they are not 100% sure on!

  10. Ive never heard of that, my husband occasionally smokes a joint and it hasn't affected him that way, we've just had our 4th baby, BUT if he smokes it just before we have s*x it makes him go for hours before he ejaculates, so for me it makes s*x fantastic.

  11. My younger brother is a serious pot smoker and has been since he was about 14, he's 39 now and his girl has just had their 4th child

  12. Dw its waay worth it.

  13. naw thats a myth i know alot of pot heads that have more kids than they can take care of

  14. not true. i know someone who is having his third child and constantly smokes weed

  15. with any luck, one smoke makes them less fertile and hopefully improve the gene pool

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