
Can this be simplified: Logic gates?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I was wondering if the following could be simplified.

It's probably simpler than it looks, I'm just a bit stumped currently, I was thinking maybe a carry in the circuit with just an OR gate and a AND gate.

Any help would be appreciated, 10 points if you help me solve it :)




  1. Bool alg>A.B+A.C=A.(B+C)

    >B,C r inputs to OR gate then 'Anded' with A

    ie output=0 or all A =0 and 1 when A=1 and either B/C=1 or both B/C=1

  2. yes it can. It seems  that

    ((a OR c) AND b) = ((a AND b) OR (b AND c))


    Given that there's only 3 inputs it takes little effort to write the truth tables (Except in YA which gets rid of my "nice" formatting!)

    (Or (a AND b) (b AND c)) gives

    a b c  |    d  e   f


    0  0  0 |           0                        0                    0

    0  0 1 |           0                        0                    0

    0  1 0  |          0                        0                    0

    0  1 1  |          0                        1                   1

    1  0 0  |          0                         0                   0

    1  0 1  |          0                         0                   0

    1  1 0  |          1                         0                   1

    1  1 1  |          1                         1                   1


    d=(a AND b)

    e=(b AND c)

    f= (d OR e)


    (AND b (a OR c) )  gives

    a b c  |     d     e


    0  0  0 |           0                    0

    0  0  1 |           1                    0

    0  1  0 |           0                    0

    0  1  1 |           1                    1

    1  0  0 |           1                    0

    1  0  1 |           1                    0

    1  1  0 |           1                    1

    1  1  1 |           1                    1


      d=(a OR c)

      e=  (b AND d)

    They seem to be the same

    If you're implementing it in electronics you might need to be a bit careful if input B is a timing signal. All practical gates take a small amount of time to read an input/react.

  3. A and (B OR C)

  4. A term appears twice, so yes it can be simplified

    .. swap the gates around, do the B OR C first and then AND the result with A.

  5. =A(B+C).

    So you can use one OR gate and one AND gate.

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