
Can this be true about the latest polls since Palin became VP, McCain up 25%, Maury Povich down 50%?

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Can this be true about the latest polls since Palin became VP, McCain up 25%, Maury Povich down 50%?




  1. HA HA!

  2. Nope sorry.  

  3. I heard P Diddy's show went up and Obama went on the down low.

  4. with miss alaska and her daughter and cancelling the convention because gwb talking during a hurricane was just too funny  -  i'm pretty sure the dems are building a pretty solid lead.

  5. I'm not a Republican, but I am keeping an open mind until I hear from Palin. I have not even heard her speak except for 2 minutes. I refuse to allow my opportunity to hear her with an open mind be taken away by those who have their minds made up already.

  6. Shouldn't you go to bed so you don't miss the short bus in the morning

  7. Povich is down?  d**n!  What about Daddy Yankee's record sales now that he's tight with McCain.  All those old white guys must be snapping them up at Wal-Mart.

  8. That's cold.

    But funny.

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