
Can this cause you to go to jail?

by  |  earlier

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so i have a friend. she listened to her husband. her husband told her to go the a jewelry place. they use her credit card to buy stuffs. then after wards she declear bankruptcy. a year later the jewelry place send home a letter and they want to bring her to court. so she is wondering if she can go to jail by doing this?





    SHES GOING TO GO 2 JAIL 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :] PEACE !

  2. This is probably a civil suit.  Perhaps the bankruptcy didn't cover the jewelry store.  Bankruptcy covers less and less nowadays.  What exactly are they suing her for?  Are they suing for money?  Or are they actually pressing charges on her?

  3. No. It's a civil matter. They are pretty much just trying to find a way to get their money. Even though she filed for bankruptcy, they are taking her to court to try and sue her and make her somehow compensate them for the jewelry. She didn't steal it although she did have ill intentions, but it's no way to prove that. They just want to somehow get their money. It's also possible her bankruptcy didn't cancel ALL her bills out and she could still owe them and hasn't paid and that's why they are taking her to court.

  4. Maybe. She needs a lawyer, and not just a public defender.

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