
Can this get worse?then why?

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I have a 10 year old brother and he plays rated M games,what could happen to him?I tried to stop him but he is very reluctant to stop,tell me PLZ what could happen to him?




  1. He can tell you that it's just a game and to stop being such a p***y.  

  2. don't make a big deal out of it if it is what he wants to play then let him play just cus you don't like him playing it doesn't mean he can't  don't ruin it for him

  3. You could try researching the effects that adult rated games has on younger kids.  The main thing is they will act out what the see on video games if they dont have much self controll.  When you consume yourself with violence and other such things you tend to dewll on those type of things.  

  4. My little brother plays these aswell but GET THIS. He is 11. he is mature enough to play them. just don't let anyone under 9 play them.

    if you are still concerned then tell your parents about it and compare them to 18 rated films, my little little brother,5, plays them and i told my dad to tell him off. he got so scared that he never played them again, now he is 6.

  5. really? As long as your brother understands the diffrence between game and reality and is not acting out in an unussual way then by all means leave the kid alone if he acts out and becomes more violent ect ect break his M games and tell your parent and or gaurdian.

  6. Depends on his original state of mind.

    If he is (fairly) mature then basically nothing really is found to happen to them.

    Check this site for recommendations of ages to play games:  

  7. If he's your brother it should be your parents responsibility not yours. But I did read about how exposing children to violence can actually CHANGE parts of their brain PHYSICALLY, a test was done on a number of children and it found that the more violence they were exposed to the less emotinally and more violently they reacted back. Your brain cannot distinguish between Screen violence and RL violence and so it saves your reactions to the violence in your long term memory (in the same place where Rape victime etc have their memories stored) so if your 10 and you play a lot of video games and laufgh whilst you're killing people then that kid is setting that response as his default response when/if he encounters it in real life.

    Phew that;'s my little rant over lol

  8. he is going to become a mid mass murderer and kill everybody in your street.. lol just tell your mum and make him stop

  9. Why don't you show him film on the Holocaust like Schindler's List and ep 9 of band of brothers call why we fight. These films will show him that violence isn't so glorify. What kind of M rated game is he playing

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