
Can this guy be possibly interested in me?

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I am in College, and there is this really smart Indian guy who helps me a lot. and recently also engages long conversations with me and talk to me about his family and life in India and he asks me questions. I am kind of scared because I have heard that Indian people don't like to mix up with different races, and I think I'm starting to like him. What are turn offs and turn ons for Indian guys,And this Indian guy is very polite and courteous and all, do you think he can make a first move, I mean do they like flirting, kissing and all, or is it Taboo? I know love has no color and everybody has their own personality and stuff, but I just want to know in general. Do you think an Indian guy can like or date a black girl? or is it like impossible? Thanks for your honest answer.




  1. ask him. my sis got herself an  indian and we're dominican.

  2. A major downside is that indians have really, really little wangs.

    But seriously, i've seen plenty of indian-american couples. As long as he doesn't take you back to india, you'll be fine.

  3. Lots of Indian's marry within their race. Its a rare happening if they marry out of their race, but it does happen! Love has no colors. Be wary of him, he could possibly be looking for an anchor, is he a United States Citizen? Question him about what type of visa he is on. He could be looking for a way to get permanent residence here. Be careful.  

  4. This is totally observation on my part, but from my experience at school it seems to me that international students have a tendency to be more willing to adapt to other cultures and seem to be a little more lax about sticking to certain cultural rules.  You guys are after all international students, so both of you must have some interest in exploring other cultures, otherwise you never would have decided to completely immerse yourself in another culture when you became international students! At school I've seen many occasions where Arabs, Africans, Indians, ect walking hand in hand with people who are obviously not of the same culture.  I happen to know quite a few couples personally who are from extremely different cultures.  Take it slow and see what happens! The worst thing that could happen is that he really likes you and you don't give him a chance!  

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