
Can this happen again??

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With my second pregnancy my son was diagnosed with IUGR and he also had a heart problem it's called shone's complex. I am worried that when I get pregnant again this baby will also have IUGR. What are the chances of it happening again? My daughter was born healthy with no problems but my son had IUGR and heart problems and I had to see a specialist every week and get ultrasounds once a week and stress tests 2-3 times a week they even told me at one point that my son might die I was always worried. I even got steroid shots for his lungs and he was born at 36 weeks weighing 3lbs 8 oz. Has anyone had a baby with IUGR and then it happen again? Any stories would be appreciated thanks.




  1. Generally, no. IUGR usually doesn't occur in another pregnancy. But in some women, it does happen again. Women who have another pregnancy affected by IUGR usually have an illness, such as hypertension, that causes IUGR. Good control of illnesses before and during pregnancy lowers the risk of having another baby with IUGR.

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