
Can this happen in real life, or is this just an act?

by  |  earlier

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  1. That video is an act. To start, his little toy comes from the dollar store and their conversation in no way reflects any actual processes.

    I have known a lot of people who have been hypnotized (I even got to watch a couple of times.) I have also had the priviledge of talking to people who perform hypnotisms. They have all told me that the person being hypnotized is well aware of what is happening around them but feels more at ease to follow the general suggestions of the hypnotizer. In fact, the hypnotizer cannot convince a person to do something he/she does not already want to do.

    Here are some websites on the process you might find interesting.

  2. It's a load of rubbish. Imagine the state of the world if it was so easy. We wouldnt have to fight wars anymore just get a kids toy in front of them and away we go.

  3. What you're talking about doing is called rape! Don't try it!

  4. It cannot happen in real life......

  5. Of course poorly made videos getting on You Tube happens in real life.

    If your asking about the content of the video it is scripted (poorly) by people with no knowledge, understanding, education, or training in hypnosis.

    I have included a link below to Div.30 of the APA (Society of Psychological Hypnosis)


  6. That's the most fake thing I've ever seen.

  7. Are you serious?

    Hypnosis happens, but not like that.  Only a small percentage of population can actually be hypnotized.

  8. please, this is so staged.

    Hypnosis is not that easy and takes longer to go into.

  9. That is a dramatic presentation.  The editing and choice of shots gives it away.

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