
Can this happen to me?

by  |  earlier

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my sister is a vegan and she doesnt eat bread,dairy,meat,

she eats nuts,



she is missing her period for months now

,,would that be a good way to prevent getting pregnant?




  1. yeah about as good as the pull out method.....

    and what do we call people who use the pull out method....PARENTS!

    deprive youself nutritionally yeah that is a good idea.

    if you would like to go to a nutritionist to make sure that you are still gettin everything you need, it is really bad to just go vegan with out guidence, a nutritionist will be able to help you make meal plans and and what foods you really need to eat.

    and while you are just begining to be vegan a goo multi vitimin or a good combo of vitimins so that no matter what you will get what you need.

    if she has missed her period because of her diet she should see a nutritionist to get a good vegan eating plan, to get back on track (no book or manual will replace a knowledgable medical proffesional.

    it would be good for ehr to see one once in a while untill she gets her vegan diet on a good track and is able to get all ehr nutriants through food and vitimins (in need be)

    she may be malnurished and this is why she hasn't had a period.

    and purposly malnurishing your self in hopes of not ovulating or getting a period for preventing pregnancy is a very bad is down right stupid and dangerous.

  2. hahaha omg thats funny,

    i wouldn't try it if i were you, just not reliable,

    is your sister losing weight quickly or something,

    or under alot of stress lately,

    has she been vegan for a while and it just started happening,

    or when she turned it started to happen?

    i would find out cause it is unhealthy to be missing your period for months.

  3. no not at all the reason she is missing her period is because she is missing protein from her diet that isnt good she needs to look into what she is eating try and find subs for protein and vitamins that she is laking or ask her gp for advice

  4. tell her to drink more soy milk and stuff like that

  5. first of all, there are a hundred reasons why she could be missing her is VERY unlikely that she is skipping her period because of going vegan.

    second, the only way to know for sure that you won't get pregnant is to NOT HAVE s*x.  

    that said, even if you don't get your period for whatever reason, you are still at risk for contracting STD's.  

    if you feel you must have s*x, get on the pill and start using condoms.

    DO NOT think that going vegan is birth isn't.

  6. You can't be serious!

    That is NOT a good way to prevent pregnancy. Any time a woman starts her period, she is always able to get pregnant until after menopause....even if she skips periods. Granted, the lack of her cycle usually means that she is not producing eggs, but there is always the outside possibility that she is.

    She needs to eat a more-balanced diet that includes who grains, beans and legumes.

  7. She's missing her periods because she is sick.  She needs to get more protein from her diet OR she has had a hormonal change.  Just because she is missing her period doesn't mean that she can't get pregnant either.  So, to answer your question this would NOT be a good option for a birth control method.  Use condoms ALWAYS and get on the pill.


    Not her Diet
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