
Can this word be a Spanish filler word?

by Guest63407  |  earlier

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I am listening to Ximena Sariñana's interviews, and I keep hearing "esté" in the weirdest situations. I know that "esté" is the subjunctive of the verb "estar", but it's just there. Is it a filler word (like "umm...", "so...", etc.)




  1. Yes, but I'm not sure it has that tilde in this situation. I use it as a filler word and I'm mexican american but I think many people from South America do the same.

  2. sometimes it can be used as a filler word.


  3. este.......................................


    Without the "tilde" is a filler word

  4. You are correct. The word "este" is also a filler word, especially (but not exclusively) among Argentinians.

  5. Yes,but it's "este" not "esté"; it sometimes sounds like "esté" because the speakerwill prolong the second syllable togive himself eve more time to think of the next word.

    In some Spanish speaking countries they use "esto" rather than "este" in this way.

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