
Can this world become one country ???

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If this world becomes one country then war can be avoided. huge expansion of defences expenditure can be diverted to poors and needy. Amount can be spent for education and health.




  1. I would hope that each country would continue to hold its own special identity. My answer is NO!

  2. Well I think that is what the US is really trying to achieve, eventually.

  3. This was before the Tower of Babel and everyone spoke the same language..but now we have too many different cultures and ethnic groups..this won't happen for a long time if ever.

  4. It would be cool, but I think if we were together as one, we would have a more difficult time because we would have problems deciding with topics like politics (presidents is an ex.), and just basic problems. We wouldn't be able to split up our opinions and voices.. I can't explain it! Yeah but I'm only 13 so what do I know??

  5. Capitalism is a pyramid that rich guy (country) at top pancakes the poor guy (country) at the bottom.  Will you give up half of your pay check to help famine? I personally would, but not many people could.

  6. No, because then who would the North American Contenient {USA} take there anger out on, and use force to get what it wants?

  7. well there are things called civil wars....

  8. No because the united states can't even get along so how can Australla, Asia, Africa, Canada, and the other countries combine together and get along

  9. can we yes. will we no.

  10. unfortunately idiot religion groups will still continue to argue over who's imaginary friend is better.

  11. Problem. The countries don't want to be united. China does not want to be apart of the Us, the worlds do not want to be united as one. Who would rule, who would lead. Oh lord that would start a whole new war.

  12. What language would we all speak?

  13. My God. Have you read 1984 by George Orwell? Is that what you want?

    Anyway, tt's not the politics, language or skin colour that prevents it.

    It's our our INTOLERANCE.

  14. yea, great idea, buddy....but, don't you think that one has been thought up before?? There are too many diverse groups and why would any one group want to sell their culture out? you really think that those big DOGS at the U.N. would want to be unemployed living back in their pathetic countries having to work for a living.?????????? It is much easier for them to keep the c**p rolling and to live off of the American government.

  15. Wake up. I'm a long haired guy from Hollywood CA. If I went to Oklahoma they would thin I was from mars. So your on country idea wont work

  16. Yes.

    However, there would always be people that would not want to become part of a unified world state and launch attacks against the government.

    An ideal situation would be a democratic world, but there are extremists who would refuse to live in a world with democratic rules, instead wishing to impose a twisted perversion of Islam on the world.  (Bin Laden et al would never accept a just and fair democracy.)

  17. Unfortunately we have added considerably to the number of countries in the world in the past twenty years.  The breakup of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia show a trend towards greater fragmentation rather than coalescing, the European Union notwithstanding.  I would place your question in the highly unlikely bucket.

  18. It's a utopian pipe dream.

  19. Just Imagine, and you won't be the only one. If we ever did advance that far: feel more advance species might bother to make contact.

  20. no that would b great but evry1 just has 2 diffent opinions

  21. Very naive.

    First. No uni-country economy would work. Without trading partners, you have a communal  government and it hasn't been working so well for china. Communism doesn't work economically. One government setting the prices will become very oppressive very quickly. One military police force in the hands of the only government and no other countries like the U.S. or the U.K. to put them in check? Sounds like an extremely precarious position for a unified people to be in. We aren't giving to the poor, not because we can't, but because it is counter productive to human nature and nature in general. Not every homeless person wants help. Sometimes the weak need to be left along the road side. Many of the homeless got there because of bad decisions and bad behavior. If you show weakness in society or in the wild, you will be destroyed. Not my cruelty talking, it is the survival of the fittest. If you become strong, and in society, money equates to strength, then why would you give that up to help those who were too lazy to work, too stupid to plan, and to weak to use the systems that are already in place. If you give someone who hasn't made an effort to do more than survive, then you are buying the minutes when they only have hours left. It is usually a bad investment. You don't lift them out of the water or the mire, you hold down a hand or throw them a rope and let the decision to pull themselves out of their predicament be theirs not yours. We have the money for education, what we lack, is the desire to give up the frivolous lifestyles that prevent us from contributing to further education and we don't have a good health system because no one has a good idea for the system that is needed.

    Keep thinking.

  22. yes but everyone would be killing eachother.

  23. Do you really want to part of the same country as Mexico?? And many countries, notably Islamic ones will only join up if everyone agrees to Sharia law.

  24. Well how would that happen I dunno..but the world is said to of been one or a few countries once.

    Look it up.

  25. Thats a very thoughtful and great plan my friend but i think only God can do that!

  26. It can, but the possibility of that happening is not very high.

  27. h**l no... honestly it sounds like a good idea but it would never work out... there would become a dictatorship and life would suck and where would the olympics go?

  28. in a small family there is fight among siblings & parents, can we think of the whole world? God came into this world thinking of the same thing, did he achieve it?

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