
Can time slips occur?

by  |  earlier

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I remember one day being on a bus going to a mall and it took between ten to fifteen minutes to reach. The traffic wasn't heavy or anything like that. The bus might have made one or two stops in between. Yet something strange happened. On my way back from the mall to the same place I started from it took less than five minutes to reach (it was the same bus we took earlier). I was suprised that we reached back so quick and my dad who was with me was amazed that we reached back so quickly. Do you believe sometimes time slips can occur and has anything similar happened to you???




  1. I would say that anything is possible. IF there are indeed time slips, and also given that we are creatures operating with space and time as two of the known dimensions, if there are time slips, we would not be aware of these happening.

    about your incident on the bus, who knows?  

  2. As for your case I would say no but time slips yes, with enough applied gravity time becomes distorted slowed down to the outside world, but as to the viewer all is normal, no speed ups, sorry you hit a quantum bend where you where really a beam of light.

  3. If the bus was traveling at the speed of light both ways, I would agree that you experienced something truly astonishing.

  4. No.
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