
Can toddlers become jealous of younger siblings? If so how can we prevent it?

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My daughter is 1 and we are expecting our second child in late August. Is there anything we should watch out for in her interactions with the new baby?




  1. Jealousy is going to happen to some extent no matter what. Try to make your daughter feel like she's helping you out with the new baby, this way instead of feeling like she's got to compete with the baby or that she's been replaced, she'll feel important and needed and special.

  2. They can be jealous!

    Watch for behaviors just to get attention, good or bad.

    if it's bad disipline accordingly. encourage the older child to help with the younger, Get them as involved as possible. It keeps them busy, makes less opportunity for them ti misbehave.

  3. thye can et jealous, and the way to stop it is, treat them with as much attention you do the baby. (not completely, i know its hard)

  4. they can get very jealous!i have a 10 month old and we are pregnant again we plan on giving her special attention most likely every day while the baby is sleeping or something that way she feels special and like she is not left out.we will also involve her like when i am making bottles or bathing the baby i am going to let her help (well all that she can : ])so it is something fun for her and kind of like an activity so i hope this helps!!

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