
Can tomatoe bushes be reused next year?

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After the tomatoes are picked do you pull up the bush or will it grow fruit the next year? I'm new at this and this is my first year.




  1. You just pull it up at the end of the season.  It won't produce next year, if it should live so long.

  2. After the plant has finished yielding tomatoes, pull the plant up and put it in a compost pile to help create fertile compost for next year!

  3. it  is usually easier  to buy new tomato plants each year.. you can save seed ,just let  the tomato dry out then harvest  the seed from one that is dry.  and  then plant them  in  the house, in starter pots or prepackaged starter blocks ( three seeds  per  block ) .. in January  where  the plants  are 6  to 8 weeks old  before transplanting. But  its still better and less hassle,   to buy plants each year.

  4. No mate but you can keep a tomatoe and keep the seeds and dry them out then you can plant them next time

  5. In the fall after harvesting the tomatoes pull up the plants and when still healthy compost. Diseased plants have to go into the garbage.

    This year's plants will not grow fruit the next year.

    The newer tomato varieties are often hybrids, the seeds of those you grew do not come true.

    You can start plants in the house from seeds early in the year and when all danger of frost is past, usually after Mid-May, plant outdoors.

    The plants grown from seed in the house need a lot of light otherwise they grow tall and spindly.

    It is probably best to buy new plants next spring.


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