
Can tomatoes in a pot be re-potted to a bigger pot?

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I have tomatoes growing in a pot on my patio, and although there are some green tomatoes on it, I think the pot is too small.

And the leaves have started to curl up, even though it gets planty of water.

I think it needs a bigger pot, but will the plants survive and will it affect its production of tomatoes if I transfer it to a bigger pot?

Im in growing zone 6b, the plant gets plenty of light and water, and I have been using miracle gro tomato food.




  1. soak your pot in water till the soil is saturated ,fill your new pot with soil and leave a hole for your root ball ,install the plant ,pack the dirt in and around ,soak you pot again till saturated ,drain and then water as usual..........................       are you aware that tomato plants propagate easily,break out a sucker from between the stems and place it in water it will root in a few days, transplant to soil plant.......tom

  2. Leaves do not curl bec. they are in a "too small pot."

    Tomatoes dont need a huge pot.  The more time they spend in growing roots to fill a pot, the less time they will be producing fruit.

    Check the instructions on the Mir.Grow product.  You may be overdoing it, or you may need to change the amt. once fruit have started to grow.

    Yes, it will affect production if you re-pot it. It will take time to get adjusted (go thru shock) but it wont be a long period to adjust. (see above though as to root growth).

    Also ck. for very small bugs (re curling leaf). tomatoes attract certain bugs and you can kill them off. Go to your garden store for the proper spray.

    good luck!

  3. How big is the pot and what kind of tomatoes are they.  Large tomato plants need at least 5 gallons.  You might be overdoing the miracle often do you feed them?

    If they have fruit, I would not move them.  They might go into shock.

  4. yes you can transplant your tomatoes.

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