
Can tooth extraction lead to abortion?

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Can tooth extraction lead to abortion?




  1. The simple answer is MAYBE.  It can greatly contribute to making your ovaries weak if the tooth being extracted lies in that particular meridian pathway, so it could be a contributory factor in the problem.  More likely than abortion would be a miscarriage or other complication.  Dentistry has caused and is causing many problems people are having today.  Most of the extractions done are not properly sanitized and as an example, about 94% of ALL wisdom teeth extractions have what is called "cavitations" of the jaw bone under them.  These cavitations (or "NICO") promote infections that not only take the minerals out of the body, but promote many degenerative diseases.  

    Just getting the approximately 7 shots of Lidocaine will subject you to many problems that are cumulative due to the nature of that drug.  It is AGGRESSIVELY carcinogenic.  Just one 2cc shot (typical amount per injection) is equal to the toxins found in smoking one pack of cigarettes per day for 12.9 years.  The aniline homologs produced by that junk is the problem.  In addition, the liquid used to sanitize the extraction sites, like hydrogen peroxide or hypochlorite solution, only kill about 30% of the germs, leaving lots of bacteria to do some real damage.  The main problem is that you are NOT TOLD THIS.  Additionally, since NICO (Neuralgia-Induced Cavitations Osteonecrosis) do not generate pain, you won't know it's happening and never, ever relate it to many other serious diseases and problems you get in your body.

    Many infection sites reflex to other organs in the body.  A very good example of this has been demonstrated by Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958) in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer patients treated in his clinic. He found that 147 of them (98%) had one or more root canal teeth on the same meridian as the original breast cancer tumor. His clinic has a biological dentist section where all cancer patients, on reporting in, have their mouth cleaned up first -- especially all root canal teeth removed.

    good luck to you

  2. Get The Tooth Extracted Then Wear a Condom ?

  3. WHAT THE F*CK ..!!!!!

  4. uhm.

  5. definately - it happened to me

  6. i don't think that the anesthetic could harm the baby.. but it might have some affect

  7. It IS a tooth abortion.....

    And as to the answer below, I have NEVER seen 7 carpules of local used for a extraction!!

    Hmmmm to the dental work is much safer than allowing the disease to continue, and just extract decayed teeth, we would be a nation of toothless fools!!!

  8. Well. . . .I'm not sure that I see a connection between a tooth extraction and an abortion on the surface of things. . . .

    However, now that you mention it, when I think about it. . . . . . Well. .  I. . . Uh. . . . Eh. . .. .. . . . No, I still see no real connection. Sorry, but no, I don't think tooth extraction leads to abortion.  

  9. the anaesthetic used can cause the baby harm, not sure if it can kill the baby or not though. my wife had fillings and other dental treatment without the anaesthetic.....OUCH!!!!!!

  10. yes, it's a gateway procedure!  hahahahaha

    soon, you'll be giving hj's in the alley for your dialysis money, and trying to score more blood sugar test strips at 4am!  haha

    Apparently I misunderstood the question.  If you had it done while you were pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage (due to the anesthetic/medicines), but that's different than an abortion.

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