
Can tortioses live outside?

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can a tortoses live ouside




  1. only in the summer, they will hibernate in the winter.

    they need to be kept warm all year and have a basking lamp when kept inside.

    dont feed them too much fruit because it will make their shells go horrible and pyramid shape.

    think long and hard before getting one as they live long, i decided against it.

  2. in the summer they can, mine live outside during the hotter months, but i do bring them in at night as i live in the country and there are rats, badgers and foxes about so it is safer, but if you have a secure hut they can sleep outside, i usually go on the temp as to when they come inside again, if it starts to drop below 12*c they come in to their indoor pen, but the natural sunlight is so much better for them and they  love wandering around(they are in a secure pen) and finding weeds to eat, you will also find if you have their natural weed diet growing in your garden you do not have to feed them as much as they go and eat the weeds, you can't leave a tortoise out when the temp starts dropping usually they start preparing for hibernation when the temp reaches 10*C or below, but as long as your tortoise is safe from dogs, cats, rats and other predators they will really enjoy the sun we are getting at the moment, mine love it outside and it is more natural for them, best of luck honey.

  3. yes

  4. YES in summer. I have two that have been in the family for 4 generations but they need water and some shade. They need heat so as they can digest there food. They hibernate in September time.

  5. um, i am not sure about the uk, it is pretty cold and rainy there. Tortoises love warm weather, lots of space, and a garden like habitat. Do you have that?

  6. UM! where else would they live!

  7. it depends on the breed and how warm it is. I wouldn't keep a tortoise outside where i live. the weather is too unpredictable. I would keep a tortoise in a vivarium.

  8. yes my herman tortoise lives outside but he sleeps in a wooden house with straw but dont introduce your tortoise too quickly do it gradually or it might die.

  9. In Britain, No.  In the United States, Yes. Britain is too cold, too wet. In the US, it is hot, and rain is rare.

  10. of course they can! Outside is there natural habitat

    i think it would prefer it

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