
Can trailering a horse cause her to reabsorb the fetus?

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I just bred my Quarter Horse about the middle of May we are having the vet come out next week to confirm if she is pregnant.

I have been told by a few people that trailering a mare while pregnant can cause her to reabsorb the baby, is this true? Has anyone ever heard of this being a cause? I have tried looking online and can't really find anything that talks about what could cause a mare to reabsorb. We trailered her last week for about an hour to an hour and half total and with this new piece of information I am concerned that I probably shouldn't have.

I am hoping to get a little feedback and see what anyone else may know about this topic. This is my first time going through this and I want to make sure that I am doing what I should do and not doing what I shouldn't be doing. Thanks.




  1. Think about this, does a woman riding in a car, cause her to absorb the fetus. if it did it,it  would put a lot of abortion clinic out of business, Just think about what people tell you and if it sound crazy it probably is. A horse is a mammal, just like people. And it has to absorb before it can reabsorb. Re being the key word here, again. Yes the first time is a Bi*ch with any thing, I had more worry with my mares that when my wife gave birth, and that shook me up pretty good

  2. It is not the trailering itself.

    The number one concern with trailering  would be the stress.  That depends on the length of the ride and how your mare deals with trailering.  If your mare does not stress and is used to it then there is no reason for any concern at all.  If she freaks in the trailer then it still is unlikely but possible the stress could cause reabsorption as could leaving her in a hot trailer for a long period and stressing her with the heat.

  3. I don't think so, just drive exrta slow, I mean we have trailered pregnant mares all the time.  All have healthy, happy babies.

  4. it can, yes but there are other factors involved. how well does your mare haul? is she used to hauling? it all comes down to stress. you don't want to stress her system. if she's used to hauling and hauls without getting worked up and pitching a fit i wouldn't worry about it. we continue to haul and show our bred mares until they become uncomfortable (usually around 8 months along or so) i wouldnt change the mare's routine at all in either direction. just keep doing whatever it is that she's used to and comfortable with and let nature take it's course. mares will slip no matter how careful you are, so there's no reason to keep her in a padded stall under lock and key! just avoid any unnessecary major stress or excitement to her system and you should be fine. now, i wouldnt haul her across the country or anything but hauling to a local show within 2 hours distance isn't going to make her slip souly on it's own

  5. ask your vet

  6. I have breed horses for years and trailered them very often, I have never had any problems, but my horses were use to it. I have heard that before because some horses get nervous when in a trailer. I think they will be fine

  7. Well...the key word is 'can' cause it...sure, I guess so.

    But if it was an everyday normal occurance...a lot of breeding barns would out of business for outside mares.  They only keep the outside mare to confirm if she is pregnant...then send her home.  If this was any kind of high just wouldn't be done.  Some don't even keep them that long...just for the mare's cycle until she is not accepting a stallion.  Then they send them home.

    Just my opinion...

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