
Can traits like eye color and hair color ever mix in the offspring or is it just one or the other?

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Like if someone with brown eyes and someone with blue eyes had offsprings, could they be blueish brown or is it only one or the other.




  1. also keep in mind that a trait may have more than one gene that determines it.  

  2. generally darker colored eyes appear to be expressed more so than lighter colored eyes without the dominant/suppressed gene interaction. Perhaps you should research the various types of epistatic interactions as it relates eye color.

  3. Examine Mendel's law of Independent Assortment & Morgan's Linkage Principle.

  4. Many traits can have co-dominance, which will result in a blending.  Other traits show a cut-and-dried dominant vs recessive.

  5. No, genes such as Eye Color are either recessive or dominant.  

    You could, however, have an eye color that is not the same as either parent if both parents had a recessive and dominant gene and passed the recessive to the child.

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