
Can trees communicate with other trees?

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It sounds kinda dumb I know but just wondering. If so do they have emotions, because i was also wondering if they get angry to what we do to plants and tress everyday? And also ( lol ) are they scared when we are about to eat them?




  1. a plant is a plant. It has no feeling or emotions. Who eats trees anyways?

  2. yea. actuallly, if u lay down on the grass when its warm && sunny outside, u can hear the earth talk 2 u.

    i used 2 do that a lot as a kid =]]

    but yea, they can. they just cant understand us. && if u talk 2 plants it helps them grow.

    flowers && trees r always singing, but we never seem 2 notice.

  3. why don't you take a trip to Fangorn Forest and ask Treebeard

  4. Well it has been proven that plants that are exposed to music grow much better than those that are not exposed to music. It may be due to some type of chemical reacting in the plant. Perhaps from that we can say that they do have some kind of emotion. ;]

    They can chemically communicate with each other.

    "Then, last fall, scientists at Kyoto University in Japan let spider mites loose on lima-bean plants and tracked the plants' responses. They found five different defense mechanisms. First, each injured plant released a chemical that changed its flavor, making it less attractive to the mites (although I personally find it hard to imagine anything less attractive than the taste of a lima bean to begin with).

    Then the plants released other chemicals that drifted away. Other lima bean plants received the chemical and immediately begin giving off the same chemicals, making themselves less tasty and warning still more lima bean plants, before the mites even reached them.

    Most amazingly, some of the released chemicals had the effect of summoning a whole new batch of mites--mites that, rather than eating lima bean plants, preferred to eat the spider mites attacking the lima bean plants."

  5. no trees cannot not think nor have brains but they are affected by man's pollution of the earth and also by earth's own natural forces such as tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts,  etc. etc. etc.

  6. no i dont think so they are almost innanimate objects

  7. no. plants don't have brains that enable thoughts and emotions like people do.

  8. uhm... i dont think so...

    *cough cough* strangeeeeee persooonnn... lol

  9. I'll ask one next time i see him lol.

    i dont know, good question

  10. we'll never know until we can learn to speak their language

  11. its avery good question.

    well yes, chmical and pheromone signalling has definitel;y been found in plants.some species will flower only when the plants of teh smae species in teh surroundings flower.and show other such symptopms shown by the mnember of teh smae species in the neighbouring population.

    sometimes,plants with simlar genotypes will not allow plants with other genotypes to grow near them albeit being of the smae species.well, i sincerely liked ur question

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