
Can truth be as destructive as lies?

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What purpose does lying serve anyway?

Is it necessary to have a balance of truth and lies?




  1. Yes,because most people don't want to hear the truth. Therefore they're bound to be hurt. It's easier to believe a lie if its pretty enough or it's what you want to hear.

    As for a balance...hmmm...well,wouldn't a white lie be a sort of balance? Not quite the truth,but not quite an entire lie either.

  2. look my friend.. just saw the perspective in the longer run. a lie will help you for the short time. but the truth can make you happy for the longer run. you lie can destroy someones hope, life or relation. which u will repent rest of your life with heavy heart. so for eternal peace always try to speak truth. this is the teaching from our God too.

  3. Yes. Some people cannot take the truth because the truth is hard. It rips them apart because they weren't prepared for the unbelievable and horrible truth. Truth can destroy everything. Lies can too.

    Lying is to prevent the truth from coming out. Truth hurts


  4. There is no Truth,only Interpretations!!! --Friedrich Nietzsche

  5. What makes you think that lies are any more destructive than truth?  

    We spend our entire lives lying to ourselves and to each other instinctively, almost as a matter-of-course. Usually we do this because the alternative is anguish -- as we try and reconcile our actions with our beliefs of how we should act - which seldom match up.

    But that's just my opinion.

  6. Look at it this way. When you're medicated the drug is lying to your brain by blocking the nerve impulses to save you the pain. The pain is there, but the medication says no, it's not. Sometimes the absence of truth can provide the same kindness. You'll know when the situation warrants it.

  7. Holding back the full truth does not nessesarily mean its lying.

    The truth hurts more when you dont communicate effectively the reasoning behind the truth.

  8. Not all truth needs to be spoken.

    It does neither of us any good for you to point out to me that I'm ugly.

    Believe it or not...I already knew that.

    And it is not a testament to your honesty to tell the n**i at the door that, since he asked, you do, in fact, have Jews in your attic. It is rather a sterling example of your insanity.

    I do not owe you the truth because you have decided to ask me a question. Should I decide to answer your question at all, I owe you only the answer that I decide to give.

  9. first question: yes

    second question: opposite of truth - lies are ways of trying to maintain balance

    third question: so I guess it is necessary


  10. I try to be honest as possible. Sure you always hear that there is no truth just perception but for the course of this discussion we'll say that your opinions, etc can be truth...

    I look at it this way, when I ask for people's opinions, etc I WANT the truth. So I give the truth to others. Some people when they ask for the truth don't really want it. They want you to lie to them. They want the sugar coated version. I try and treat people as honestly I can. In my opinion whether it hurts or not you should always tell the truth. Why lie after all? It only leads to so much more trouble. And it might take a while but eventually that person will be happy that they had someone that was so honest with them. Whether they admit it or not.

  11. sure why not

    usually truth hurts more than lies, so lies might actually be better for people then truth

    it's like religion....old governments created religion and gods to keep the people happy....they knew that the gods were fake, but it was beneficial for society, so why not tell a couple of lies here and there?

    what's the point of living life if your not happy? i would rather live happy in lies, then miserable in truth

  12. No.Truth is generally has more of an impact at first but is always better. Generally lying builds up animosity until when it is exposed (by you or someone else) it is much worse.

    Lying can be a good thing. If you Friend is good at singing (not great but good) feel free to up it a bit and say "wow, that was spectacular". In this situation the other person's self esteem is build up more and no one can really prove you wrong. Anyone else who heard it and went "that's pretty good" won't hurt you. If you said it with someone who was horrible and someone else heard it they'd be "why'd you say I was good? I embarrassed myself out their." So there must been a balance between the amount of truth and the amount of lies. Generally more truth.

    Really hope this is what your looking for. Good luck.

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