
Can two dudes in the Military get legally married and collect BAH?

by Guest63969  |  earlier

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If two dudes (One E5, the other E6, both been in about 8 years), that are totally in-love and committed to eachother, stationed in San Diego, get married, go to their Personnel Office to get their Page#2 updated, Wouldn't the more senior Military member collect the BAH?

It's legal in the state of California!




  1. first the military will not recognize their marriage.  Two, I am pretty sure that would violate the "don't ask don't tell rule" and would almost guarantee a discharge.  

  2. not yet, maybe if obama/biden win

  3. Simple Answer: No.

    The military has always been against g**s in there ranks. In 1993 Bill Clinton signed a law commonly known as the "don't ask don't tell policy" which made it were a command could not investigate someone unless they were caught being openly g*y. If you tried to get married and went to your Personnel Office you would be charged under Article 134 of the UCMJ.



  4. Not yet...

  5. Under the UCMJ, homosexual activity is illegal.... and just because something is legal in a state..doesnt make it legal federally.

    The only thing that will happen if two males get married is they will be discharged. Is it right, no.... is it going to change, probably not.

  6. The US Military is Governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and despite the don't ask don't tell policy it is still not legal to be openly g*y in the military. If even one of them were to anounce that hey were g*y that person would be thrown out faster that you can say what happened?

  7. Doesn't matter if its legal in that state. The military falls under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), not state law.

    So no, they would NOT receive BAH.

  8. "Don't ask, don't tell"

    ^ Your situation would definately violate that policy so No, you could not legally marry or collect BAH.

  9. Nope. You can't openly be g*y like that in the military, and the military wouldn't recognize that legal marriage document.

  10. Getting married and attempting to fill out paperwork showing such would violate Don't Ask Don't Tell; both members would be discharged.

  11. no.  the Military does not as yet acknowledge such marriages.  In fact were you both to try it you would be kicked out by instruction( DADT).  

  12. Military Law trumps state law. You would be kicked out 1st before you were ever allowed to collect the BAH.  

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