
Can two female budgies breed??

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Okay well I have two female budgies and they are very tamed. Im just wondering if they could lay eggs because on some sites i searched it says the female budgies can be pregnant when hearing other budgies chirp?? please can someone help me?




  1. They can lay eggs, but need a male to let them hatch.

  2. that would be quite immaculate, wouldn't it?

  3. They MIGHT and that is a big might lay eggs but they would not be fertilized so they would never hatch.  

  4. Two females of any kind cannot breed!

    but there is exceptions such as being legally a woman...

    but two naturally born females cannot breed!  

  5. Yes. Just not with each other.

    They can lay eggs all day long....but without a male they will produce no fruit.

  6. NO 2 females can not breed with each other. And no they don't get pregnant or lay eggs just because they hear other birds chirp. Seriously I don't know who you have been hearing this stuff from but they are lieing to you. Please EDUCATE yourself in birds, do searches on them and read everything you can before believing things that make no sense. they can lay eggs without a male but none of the eggs will ever hatch.

  7. Yeh, they might try, but lesbianism is a genetic dead end

  8. no. it only helps them to breed. because when they sees other budgies breeding they  thinks it is breeding season and try to breed. but they have to mate in orderr to breed.a female budgie can't have fertile eggs without mating with a male budgie

  9. they will only lay infertile eggs... not of any use

  10. yes.

    When the budgie churps, it is actually releasing sperm into the air in the form of song. This sperm music can gently float into a female budgie's reproductive system through small slit-like openings on the bird's back.

    It's quite extraordinary.  

  11. no..a male is needed

  12. They cannot have babies

  13. They may lay eggs but they would not be fertile.

  14. Like in all breeding situations, a male budgerigar is needed to fertilize a female in order to lay fecund eggs. There is no such thing as a bird's song being carried through the air to fertilize a female, as noise does not have the same effect as sexual activity. Bluntly, s*x between a guy budgie and a girl budgie is needed to have babies.  

  15. you stupid idiot 2 females cant breed and they dont usually lay eggs until they are put with males u r such an a*****e

  16. Lol.. Noises are not going to make your birds pregnant i'm sorry.

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