
Can two first cousins have a healthy baby together?

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also... in what states can they get married?




  1. I don't think first cousins should reproduce together.  It is illegal to marry a first cousin in most states.

  2. if there is any hereditary illness in the same side of the family it might be more likely your baby could get it. there is no reason two first cousins cant have a healthy baby presuming your from the opposite sides of the family. as for marriage... i havnet a clue. but make sure your happy first

  3. They can have a healthy baby, but there is a higher risk of fetal abnormalities

  4. I think that blood line is a wee bit too close.  

  5. yes

  6. Actually there are studies that show that the genes with become abnormal and the fetus can come out mentally retarded, down syndrome, have abnormalities to the heart and even abnormalities such as cleft lip and club feet. Even with animals you shouldnt inbreed because they will genetically mutate and have health problems. I think that this is not a good idea and also it says in the bible not to marry family...also what do your parents think about this? And i do not think it is legal in any state.

  7. Not sure, but I don't think it is a good idea to try. Its also against the law, and if this isn't a joke than those 'cousins' should see a therapist for help.

  8. Your best bet is to get genetic counseling. The rate of genetic birth defects for first cousins is 6 to 8 percent. Closer relations like father-daughter/brother-sister have a 25 to 50% of offspring with mental or physical deficiencies. Also, a Norwegian study found that a large percentage of still birth and infant deaths were of parents that were first cousins rather than not related.

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