
Can two girls have a baby together????

by  |  earlier

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i know this is a wierd question but i was just curious..........




  1. They can use donor sperm. If they don't want to know who the bio mom would be they could ask the Doc to take eggs from both females and fertilize the eggs that way when they are implanted they don't know whose egg actually took.

  2. Well yes, but not in the sense that one girl can make the other pregnant. They would have to adopt or use artificial insemination.

  3. Not unless one is a she-male

  4. not unless one of them is carrying sperm

  5. If they adopt, one gets pregnant by a man or is artificially inseminated.

  6. if your old enough to be in a g*y realtionship , yo could always adopt .

    if this is a bored child asking this question , you need to go back to s*x ed b/c to girls having s*x to have a baby will not happen .

  7. yes they can..they can have artificial insemination but thats the only way other then one having s*x with a man and getting pregnant

  8. They can not "make" a child togeather but they could adopt and raise a child togeather.

  9. If a guy donates sperm to them.

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