
Can two people of opposing viewpoints have an intelligent, respectful discussion regarding abortion?

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Maybe an odd question, but this seems to be the one topic that can get anybody's emotions riled up and I'm just wondering what your opinions are.




  1. It's possible, just not likely.

  2. It IS rare, but I would like to point out that the Supreme Court didn't come to blows when they've discussed it.

    IF basic principles of civilized discourse are followed, then, yes. However, that is rare, isn't it? Not only with this issue, but for many others.

    That's why people used to say to never discuss politics, religion, or s*x in social settings -- and here's one issue where you get all three combined!

  3. No because MOSTof these "Pro-Choicers" are not really intelligent, or respectful.

  4. i'm pro choice. the way i feel about it is if someone is against abortion, fine, they don't have to get one. the problem comes from anti choicers trying to force their beliefs on others. just drive by a clinic sometime and take note of the hate mongers huddled in a group with their pickett signs.

  5. I think if the two people agree from the start that neither is trying to change the others viewpoint but would like to have an intelligent conversation that doen't result in a screaming match it is possible. The problem is the emotional ties of this topic usually get people going and nothign ever is accomplished as a result.

  6. I have a few times, so it's possible.

  7. I believe they can, if they don't look at this issue in black and white.

  8. yes

    i had a very long and relatively unemotional discussion with douchey awhile back. i'll see if i can find the link. i'm sorry he's gone, he was one of the few anti-abortionists i had some respect for


  9. Can you have an intelligent, respectful discussion with a person arguing it is okay for an adult to have s*x with children, provided there are no physical harm done to the children?

    I dont think I can, because I see the other party as having a criminal intention to abandon the scrutiny of the judicial system altogether when it comes to having s*x with children.

    I am for scrutiny of all abortions on a case by case manner by the judicial system.  I cant have a respectful discussion with somebody who wants to have an unquationable right to abort a human life on any whim and fancy.  I regard them criminals.

  10. no

  11. its possiable, but both must be open-minded and respectful of others in that case probably not.

  12. Not if one side starts out with the term "baby killer".

  13. Yes, it's possible, if only they agree to disagree, and work on identifying other commonalities.

  14. Yes of course, although the peopel that come on here mainly do it to rant and rave. I'm pro choice, but I would be interested to have discussion with people that have other viewpoints. But as I say there are a lot of nuts and people on here that just liek to argue.

  15. No I don't think so, because even where intelligent and respectful, both are going to be passionate and the two opinions are polarised.  I hate to sound cynical, but I really don't think it is possible :-)

  16. The argument is generally between feminists and religious people, so no.

  17. I am pro-life.  

    Actually, I usually say I am pro-choice, I just think everybody involved should have a choice.

    People could have an intelligent, respectful conversation, and I have had many, but ALL of them have been face-to-face.  People seem to view their computers like a vast shield.  It makes them 'brave'.  They say things they normally would never to say to a person's face, because they would have to deal with the realities of how they are treating others.

    Plus this is a very volatile issue for most people, and sometimes it is difficult for them to keep their emotions in check.

  18. its possible..just not common

  19. Its hard enough to find one intelligent and respectful person who gives a c**p. And you want to find two? No way!

  20. I'm always willing to try.

  21. yes it's possible....but I dont think it is on a public forum like this.

  22. I hope...really!

  23. The older I get, the less I care about dissenting opinions. I'm for abortion being legal, but I can appreciate the rational (i.e. non-religious) argument a person might make against it.

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