
Can u Please help me think up a catchy cheer for My Volleyball team??

by  |  earlier

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We desperately need a cheer to say when the opposing team gets a violation, winning us a point. ANY ideas are welcome, please dont hold back from anything. Thank u and i appreciate it.




  1. When we get an ace, our team comes to the middle and goes ahhhhhh...ACE! and clap on the 'ace' once.  Some teams when they do something good go" 1..2..3..and all clap." If they do something bad they go "3..2..1.." clap.

  2. Our's last year was(spelling out the letters except the last sideout) S pause I   SID pause SIDOUT (say all together) SIDOUT BRONCOS  you can add what ever you're mascot is.

  3. There's always the classic:  "team" (*clap clap)

    or you could do something like, "what, what" (while waving ur hands side to side in the air)  

    or ?  this is hard,  i feel your pain.

  4. ___ stomp the court!

  5. our team has different cheers for different things that happen. i think it make the game more fun that way. we do things like "brick wall!!" for a block and put our arms up like a block.  "jack, queen, king, aaaahhhh ace!" for an ace serve. stuff like that.  

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