
Can u adopt a baby anywhere at the age of 13

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can you??? in the usa




  1. Babies having babies is bad enough.  That's why babies can't adopt babies.

  2. can't adopt a baby, because you have to be married and you are not yet authorized to marry yet. i am not sure about other places, but certainly in most places you definitely have to be married. i hope i have answered your question.

  3. no, you need to be at least 18, and have enough credit in the bank to pay for child support bills, and such.

    but you CAN adopt a baby simulation doll. THey are really fun and act EXACTLY like real babies but look kinda different. They teach teen moms how to be good parents.  

  4. no but you can babysit for some extra income and that might put you off for awhile...

  5. mmmmmmm, errrrmmmmm, ummmmm, this ones tricky...... NO!! Why dont you play with your dolls instead like a normal child?

  6. i hope to God not. when i was 13 there was no possible way i could take care of a kid. there is no reason why you would need a baby. stop trying to grow up.

  7. it costs a LOT of money to adopt a baby!!  I wanted to adopt a baby at one point at a decent ripe old age but couldn't come up with $20K (that means  twenty THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!)

  8. 13?!

    thats a bit young, i don't think you can.

  9. absolutly not in fact you'd have a hard time doing it at 18 even though it would be legal... what the h**l does a 13 year old need with a kid? you are a kid!

  10. No!

    Who would WANT to at the age of 13?!?!?

    You can't even drive!!

    Quit asking these questions that you know the NO answer to.

  11. NO WAY.

    and why would you? you wouldnt have time to take care of a baby with all that school work and your activities.

    You have to be atleast 18 years or older to adopt a baby, and they have to make sure you will be a good parent.

    so the answer is, no.

  12. no. u have to be 18. y would u want to? ur 13. ur going to regret that if u do it know. i rele dont c y u would want to do that. but no just wait 5 years at least.

  13. I wouldn't think so. No disrespect but at 13 you're just hitting puberty and can't take care of yourself. How do you expect to take care of a child?

  14. You should want a baby for different reasons other than just wanting a baby real bad when you're barely an adult yourself.

    First, you need to find a boyfriend who commits himself wholeheartedly to you and your future offspring by marrying you.

    Second, you both need to make sure that you can support a dependent human being for 18 years. You'll need the ability to earn an EXTRA $230,000 between you over and above what you need for yourselves.

    Third, you need to be prepared for the changes to your life that motherhood will bring. Once you are a mother, you can never again not be a mother, with all the attendant responsibility that it brings.

    Fourth, you need to be prepared that your child will be unloveable at times:

    * When you are horribly sick with a massive flu and the baby doesn't seem to understand that you need a good night's sleep in order to care for him well and he still demands that you wake up 3 times to feed him in the pitch dark and cold

    * When your child throws yet another terrible two temper tantrum in the supermarket when you only have 20 minutes to buy the dinner, get home and make it

    * When your child has breathing problems, or needs surgery, or falls from way too high a height, and you are scared out of your mind with worry (well, he's not unloveable then, but it's not easy!)

    * When your gorgeous child turns into a sullen, impatient, grunting, unhygienic 14 year old who thinks you are the most annoying, clueless and lame human being on the face of the earth, yet he still needs help with his English essay after you pick him up from basketball -- now!

    * When your I-can-still-see-the-charming somewhere-in-there older adolescent crashes your car in an accident involving speed and illegal substances

    I know that I sound rather harsh in my answer, but I really wish women made these decisions with their heads rather than their hearts.

    I chose to wait until I was married to a good man for four years and we had bought a house. I was 30 when I gave birth to my first. We are set for life financially and can give our 2 children all the material goods they need. We are no longer stressed about things, so their emotional life is far richer and healthier as well.

    Now are you ready?

  15. No you cant. You need to be 18 to adopt a child! Just 5 more years. =D

  16. Nope!!! And why would a 13 yo want to. It's bad enough when they get pregnant so why invite a change in your life....

  17. No because you are still a minor and you need to be an adult which is 18

    besides you are not financial stable to take care of a child

    if you want just babysit


    holy friggin fricksicles!

  19. No

    in the UK the age is 21  

  20. do you make at least around 2000 or so a month for a house, work at least like 40hrs a week or make over $10 an hour?, car, insurance and utilities? not to mention for a crib, clothes, diapers, and formula? you can't even drive can you? how do you plan to take the baby to doc appts?

    good god what ever happened to 13 yr olds watchin tv, playin with eachother, or reading books!!

    the answer is no. thank god.

  21. Girl, you need to take care of your self b 4 you can take care of another human being. besides you still need to be taken care of yourself. And by the why you cant even get a job to say the least to support that poor innocent baby. Girl grow up and live your life.

  22. I hope for the baby's sake it's not possible.

    Babies shouldn't have babies.  Get a nice American Girl doll instead.

  23. What is wrong with you child?! You need a prayer. Dude. First you want to get married, now you want to adopt a baby?! No way! Go be a good little girl and go to bed. I may be 13 also, but I know I'm not getting married until I'm finished with high school. And I'm definitely not adopting a baby at the age of 13.


    A 13 year old IS a baby, how can they raise a baby? They can't work or drive, who would give a 13 year old a baby?

  25. Why would you want a baby at 13 ?!?!?! You should wait until your older and have a partner to help you. And also its illegal to buy babies so you would be breaking the law. But do whatever you want its your choice not mine. xx =P

  26. believe me honey, you do not want a baby, they are hard work, and you cannot give up being a mum if you become over tired and annoyed..  

  27. nope

    however, if you were in a massive disaster, like a giant tsunami, or a Hurricane like Katrina,   and helped/saved an infant -- there would be so much confusion that you might be able to stay with him/her by claiming you were the big sister.

  28. Wow, what is up with you? You want to get married and adopt a child?! NO! You can't. A 13 year old can NOT take proper care of a baby.  

  29. In most states that I know of you have to be 21 and have a stable income and a safe home to provide for a child before you can be considered for adoption.

  30. NO! Thank god. You have to be 18 and have a stable income just to be considered for adoption, however if you really want a child then please wait until you older, dint get pregnant! I am 13 and love children, why not babysit and wait until you older and then you can provide for a child.

  31. Your the same annoying little girl that wanted to know an hour ago if a 13 yr old can legally gt married!? Grow up, go get your attention elsewhere hunny.  

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