
Can u amuse urslf 4 more than an hr wth a fly swatter? Ru a redneck?

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redneck from NC, USA




  1. umm nah. If i had some flies to kill that would amuse me for some time and that would count since i'm using the flyswatter.

  2. No im not a redneck. i do live in the middle of no where. but yer i could keep amused for more than an hour with a fly swatter, i actually did the other day and im being serious. at my friends house, she has horses and always has flys  in her house. ok this is random.

  3. i live in the south but i don't consider that i am a redneck. to your ????, i amuse myself in hunting for deer so i can have meat in the freezer.

  4. yes

  5. LOL  Of course I can...I am visiting Yahoo Answers, aren't I !?!  Am not a redneck... but it's a goal!  Have a great day!

  6. ummm no only rednecks i guesse. Especially with a fly swatter.

  7. no and no!!

  8. I like to use a vacuum and suck um up

  9. With four kids running in and out in the month of September, YES!

  10. get a PSP or look at p**n n enjoy jacking off all day

  11. Dude, you need to find yourself a white trash redneck girlfriend.

  12. Why did you have to tell us you are from N.C. ?

    No & No

    also from N.C.

  13. i can amuse myself for more then an hour with a fly swatter especially if i get to hit my brother or someone with it that keeps me really busy any thing really can keep me busy i don't think I'm a redneck i have redneck quality's but i don't think i am

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