
Can u and if u can how do store music from ur psp to xbox 360?

by  |  earlier

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i no how to play music from my psp to to my 360.i have usb and everything but i dont have xbox do i store the songs tht i played on my 360 that i have on my psp?I tried to make a new playlist and put the songs there but the songs keep dissapearong

ohhh and i have connection to internet but my ip address failed and always does i moved aroung my 360 around the house but it still fails.

can some1 answers those 2 questions for me?




  1. You can't.

  2. You can't - Sony and Microsoft are rival companies, why would they make things compatible with each other?!

    I would separately download stuff straight onto the 360 somehow.

    There may be an illegal way to do it - But don't do it. It could wreck your games systems, and anyway, it's illegal and you may get caught ;-)

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