
Can u answer my questions about Dingoes

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I'm planning a novel on dingoes and need some questions answered.

How do they sleep? i mean are the dens underground? or a hollow tree? with their mate and pups? a whole pack?

How much to they need to eat???

How much to they hunt? once twice a day? onece a week?

How much pups do they have?

How often and for how long do they sleep?




  1. google

  2. " the Dingo got your baby"

  3. I'll let you do your own research, for your own book.   All of that information is easily available in the internet, or (~gasp~) in a BOOK from your local library.

    I will tell you information that you are not likely to run accross.  Aussies (people who live in Australia) hate dingos.  Aussies think Americans are COMPLETELY daft for trying to preserve dingos as a breed of dogs here in the United States.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  4. Be easier if you Googled, yourself, then you can pick out the rest of the information that you need.  But:--

    5 to 8 pups, depending on the information source you go to.

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