
Can u become a mermaid????

by  |  earlier

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ok mermaids only answer. if u r one. ok what r the sideeffects of becomeing a mermaid.? what happens when u r one, like do u have a tail all the time or do u only have one when ur in the water? jw. ok btw. ppl who r going to judge me becasue i have a question can go f*** themselves because i dont think its fair that i ask a question and they have to be rude about it. have nothing nice to say? dont say anyting at all. thankS!!!!




  1. in my opinion, its a load of lies. i believve in mermaids, hecks yeah, but so far NO one has put up ANY proof of their "becoming a mermaid". Besides, if you are a mermaid, good luck with that. if you were a correct mermaid, you wouldnt be nearly as pretty as the legends say.

    watch fact or faked paranormal files: go to syfy site and find out for your self.

    They colud be real, but its doubtful that you can become one. Sorry! :)

  2. I found this spell on the net and i am going to try it now :

    A human when dry
    a mermaid when wet
    and have a power like ()
    and a tail the color of ()

    A human when dry
    a mermaid when wet
    gills are not needed
    a big breath that lasts 30 minutes

    A human when dry
    a mermaid when wet
    i'll get my powers and tail in ()
    i'll get my tail when wet for 1 minute, here is my wish

    A human wheen dry
    a mermaid when wet
    the rain does not matter
    it cannot change me,
    but a single drop of any other water will.

    1.) turn the lights so their dark or dim
    2.) imagine youre a mermaid
    3.) fill tub or as high as you want it
    4.) Sprinkle salt in the bath and lay down in it
    5.) Say the spell one time
    6.) you have to have a symbol

    Have fun!

  3. i dont know if u can become a mermaid but even ppl tht say u cant become a mermaid well how do they know its impossible, well they dont so dnt listen to ppl who say they arent real because noone will ever know for sure, but i dont have any spells sorry, try they have loads, good luck = )

  4. i just tried a spell in the shower with my most favourate locket nackeless witch has my aqua birthstone on and dowt it has realy worked

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