
Can u brush ur teeth in the morning with toothpaste while fasting?

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i dnt know bout this because ppl say different things but i would love to make it clear. does anyone know whether brushing ur teeth breaks ur fast?




  1. No, you can't brush your teeth with toothpaste....

  2. no you cant because the toothpaste has a kind of taste

  3. I just Answered one and Got BA ! i will paste it again for u !

    It is absolutely fine to brush one’s teeth in the morning with toothpaste while fasting so long as one takes care not to swallow the paste. It is reported in the traditions that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was seen brushing his teeth quite a number of times during the day while he was fasting.

    Toothpaste is not intended for consumption. Fast is only broken when it goes directly into our system. To say that one cannot use toothpaste is nothing but rigidity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) warned us against rigidity: “Woe to those who practice rigidity; woe to those who practice rigidity; woe to those who practice rigidity.” (Reported by Muslim) !!!

  4. ya just dont swallow it

  5. yeah just dont swallow it and you'll be fine =]

  6. Enless you purposely drink the water from when your brushing it doesnt count, or else would you consider shallowing saliva a part of breaking your fast?  

  7. you can use muswack but no tooth paste.

  8. not a problem according to Glorious Quran

    but according to hadith it is prohibited,probably hadith narrators like bad smells !!! and probably they were un hygienic

    Allah Like Cleanliness,and NOT bad smell ,

    i really wonder why hadith followers cant,taste  miswak,and can taste tooth paste ! perhaps there is an error in their taste buds or in their belief !

    tooth paste's specific purpose is CLEANING YOUR TEETH,and similarly MISWAK has the same purpose.

    does any one put tooth paste on rice,or put it on toast and make it a snadwich,or does any one use tooth paste as salad dressing or seasoning or garnishing ,or topping !

  9. nope you cant..not when you're fasting.use miswaak if you want but u cant use toothpaste

  10. Is fasting a religious thing? I don't understand why somebody would want to deprive their body from nutrients for days like that - it can't be very fun.

  11. yes you can, unless you swallow any toothpaste, or water, that would break your fast.

  12. As long as you don't swallow any thing on purpose, you are good. Fasting does not mean to let go of personal hygiene.  

  13. In all honesty, you'll get both answers.....depends on your view really.  

    And i think if the prophet lived in the year 2008, he'd use an oral B soft bristled toothbrush instead of a polished stick.  

  14. salaam, i found this very helpful...and Ramadan Mubarak

  15. YES U CAN. as long as you dont swallow it then u wont break your fast, ramadan kareem!

  16. no it break ur fast u can use miswak a wooden brush

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