
Can u c cavities?? cuz my tooth was hurtin wen i dranks sumthing cold..idk if it is still doin it?

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wen r u sure 2 have a cavity?? cuz idk if i have one or wat but it hurt wen i had like ice water or something really cold. but i brush my teeth really good and i have this really good prescripted toothpaste by a dentist. so wat is happening?? do u think i have a cavity???? thanks




  1. i dont think this is a cavity...

    and i dont think you can see it enless its absolutely may feel alittle bit of pain when you have a cavity but i dont think you even realize most of the time. i knwo i was always surprised when i found out i had one!

    when you said that ice water or cold stuff bothers your sounds like you just have sensitive teeth.

    so the toothpaste he gave you is to help with you sesitivity to cold things...just keep on using the toothpaste how he described...and floss...and try to limit the amount of candy and softdrinks you consume and you should be able to steer clear of cavities!!

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