
Can u cheer me up please? i lost my wallet and i have no idea where i left it..?

by Guest67129  |  earlier

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i thought i just left it at home and when i got here.. it's nowhere to be found.. !!! ))))))";

i'm vry sad right now, the wallet got pictures which is very important and P700. ):




  1. oh dear thank god that nothing worst happened. i believe that whatever happens happens for good. do not worry  everything is gonna be ok.

  2. Cheer up.

    It will turn up soon.   Probably in a murder scene.   And be used as evidence to frame you up.   You'd get a very expensive lawyer to defend you, and the lawyer turns out to be another conspirator in this grand scheme to let you rot in jail.  So, cheer up!  Cheers!!

  3. worse things could happen, you know. it was only a wallet. buy another one. the pictures are irreplaceable but you you have your memory. create new ones instead.

    reprimanded? perhaps... but you won't be disowned by your mother.

    learn from it and move on.

  4. I lost my pet dog...

    I have my wallet with my dog`s picture, but thats all i have right now..

    you should be happy..

  5. they always say "charge it to experience" like how one spend lavishly for vacations.

  6. Cheer up now girl!  It happens to the best of us at least once in our lifetime.   It happened to me too. And I lost several important documents, ID's, licenses to boot.  

  7. just pray...

  8. When I was in high school, I lost my wallet that was given to me by my mom which was given to her by my dad as a gift. It was quite expensive too. I'd often put my weekly savings there. It also had pictures of my friends, calling cards and stuff. It was precious to me not because of what's inside but of its history. The coin pocket inside was beginning to wear off so I decided to buy a new wallet and preserve my previous. Unfortunately, when I was about to transfer my stuff, I couldn't find my old wallet in my bag. I was devastated, I even cried for it and I kept apolgizing to my mom. She told me it's okay even though it was also precious to her. I just thought that there must be a reason for losing it. It might be a blessing for the one who found it. So it's ok. Just move on. It's just natural to lose something important once in our life. Just be more careful next time. And just think that lots of people out there have lost things that are much more important to them.

  9. More than likely you'll never see it again but look on the up side of this. It will make your more carefull in the future about your belongings. Its a shame about your photos as I know beter than anyone what they mean to a person. I hope in your case you have the chance to take new ones and make some more great memories. Other than that I hope good fortune finds you and at the least someone hands in the wallet.  

  10. Just hope and pray that a good samaritan would find it and return everything. And while at it, try to recall today's activity. You might find something there to remind you where you might have put it.  

  11. That's really sad. But cheer up! Who knows, maybe someone honest will return it to the police or to your school!

    Merry Christmas!

  12. Report it to your local police at once!!

    Hopefully somebody will find it and take it there 4u - good luck

  13. Don't beat yourself up. These things happen. Lay down and slowly retrace your steps and maybe you'll remember something. If its lost and someone found it and pocketed the money- think that u have made his/her day. Maybe someone will return it. sorry if that helps.

  14. be thankful you're not the one lost...

  15. hmm.... my wallet got stolen (actually my purse got stolen) my two phones were there, pictures, keys,stored value(LRT), and my savings (just 400 though). all the memories was stolen with it. which is the worst part of it.

    *just for your info, I have really really really poor memory. side effect of something i did before.

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