
Can u die before u r dead?

by  |  earlier

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heba: im not sure what i asked 0_0




  1. someones been studying sufism

  2. ummm....i should give you the answer that you usaully give to those confusing questions

  3. uncle died last year in june.....and by looking at his wife i can tell her soul died with her husband but her body is still alive......and will continue to live till it is destined to

    i am not sure if i got ur question though.....?

  4. Only the ones that are dead knows that.

    Soul and Body is different.

    You can loose your soul, it may drift away somewhere else. And your body may still be there.

    You can loose your body, it may rot away in the grave. And your soul will go up or down to heaven or h**l.

  5. "Die before you die." - Imam Ali

    The first 'die' is the death of your ego that Imam Ali is talking about......kill your ego and learn to be patient!

    And the second 'die' is obviously the death.

    So kill your ego/conceit before you die!

  6. Literally..NO..!

    But if you feel like u have nothing to live for in your life., there is no excitement, no family/friends..then you might feel like there's no feeling inside you...meaning you are dead..!

    I hope it makes sense..!

  7. yeah..and you can also be dead before you die..hahah:D

  8. yes. the prophet said that sleep is similar to death. he also said the sleep is brother of death.

    when you sleep your soul is not with you. it's out of the body and it's the soul that has the dream and not your body.

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