
Can u dye your eyebrows or buy something that u can put on your eyebrows to make them look lighter?

by  |  earlier

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i have extremely dark eyebrows that have never been the color of my hair, and i have highlights in my hair that are blond, and my dark eyebrows look really odd with them...(see picture below of me) so i'd like to know that if there is a product in a store or anywhere that u can just put on your eyebrows to make them look lighter but then wash it off at night. or if its possible to dye your eyebrows and how often you'd have to do that.

serious answers only please!




  1. To be honest it doesn't look wierd o ur eyes are aaamazing but anyways haha they re are home lightening kits you can find in a drug store but they only last a week and arnt that safe and who knows what color they would turn out I would just go to a salon and have them lighten them it lasts a lot longer its safer and only costs 15$

  2. I would call up your local salons and see if they do eyebrow color liftings/bleachings/whatever ya wanna call it. Or puchase a salon quality facial bleaching cream. To be honest I've used bleach on my eyebrows before with hair dye but I wouldn't recommend it since something bad could happen

  3. you can use cream foundations that aren't too light then get just a little bit on the tips of your fingers and rub it in on your eyebrows and the skin under them to help it blend some.

  4. i think u can use a brush with eyeshadwn. I think that would help.  

  5. it is absolutely fine to die your eyebrows using the same die you use for your hair.

    i hope that helped

    good luck hon.

  6. anytime you go out you can put lemon juice on them, or simply use bleach for about a minute [:

  7. yea u can dye your eyebrows to w/e color you want ...i doubt it will cost alot...or you can just  buy like an eyeliner and color your eyebrows....i know sum ppl who dat that too

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