
Can u edit on my objectives for the report?

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ok we did retics count on blood sample using new methylene blue..then we count retics percentage in 1000 red blood cells..

any thing missed out on??

The main objective of this experiment is to determine the reticulocyte count in a given sample of blood derived from a classmate via venipuncture. This is facilitated by the incorporation of the new methylene blue stain to blood film. This blood smear is stained with a supravital stain, New Methylene Blue. This stain makes reticular material in red cells apparent as small purple granules under the microscope(100x oil immersion). A reticulocyte count can be performed using this staining technique. One thousand red cells are counted and the percentage of reticulocytes is reported and compared to the reference range.




  1. hi racist, no im not gonna edit ur c**p.

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