
Can u explain human being and humanity ?

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have a gr8 day.




  1. human being - means to "be" not do;

    humanity is the whole bunch of be'rs and doers.

    Are you a being or a doing?

  2. We are not our bodies, but spirit. We are not separate but One. So, human beings as individual bodies is an illusion.

    Just because we play the game of being separate beings doesn't make it so.

  3. As humans we have certain things we value, like babies, lives, fairness, respect.  I would call this humanity.  Then there are all the things that make up a human being, what we like to eat, how we look, our physical needs, our emotional needs, sometimes we are caring, sometimes we are indifferent, sometimes we are thoughtful, sometimes we are ignorant, sometimes we want to hurt, sometimes we want to heal, we like art and music, we wonder where we came from.  All these things and more put together, make a human being.

    Some would call us imperfect.  I say it's just the way we are.  Who knows to what purpose each of these things we're capable of and do is to serve.

  4. No.  And I rather doubt that anyone else can supply anything more than a trivial definition since it must apply to -all- humans and -all- forms of human behavior.


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