
Can u get a HSG while on your period?

by Guest62080  |  earlier

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I just started and I have my HSG tomorrow. Thanks!




  1. yes, i was in full load when i had mine done. it was so embrassing but both dr and nurse were very professional. i was more embrassed about the "mess" on the table afterward, it also made my period so much heavier, and messy for a few days after, bring lots of pads with you, you will not want a tampon after that bc of the pain. i didnt bring back up pads and i had to use toliet paper, it was awful, but i am just glad i did it because i was ok!!! so good luck to you.

  2. My dr told me to do it towards the end of my period but it should be ok.  I'd call the place where u are having it done

  3. I had a laparscopy done last firday and while they where in there they check my tubes by flushing the dye through them, and i was on my period! so I think you will be alright, but ask your dr. just in case.

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